Saturday, 16 June 2007

Napoleon Feels the Heat

A border crossing on a bank holiday, are you mad? Yes, your honour, but we didn’t know there was one. After 45 minutes of slowly, stop-starting towards the border, Napoleon became pyrexic. With a fever brewing, he started to gurgle and deliver smoke from the bonnet. This was on a downhill. With the engine turned off, we attempted to free-wheel down. As a new driver – I was about to get some more learning’s. That the brakes don’t work without the hydraulics of the engine, or the foot brake gradually seizes up. So we recklessly did handbrakes all the way to the border. With a temperature well over 100 degrees, Napoleon spluttered into life, nodded his guten tags and gradually cooled down.
Is this normal for a 20 year old to overheat so much? His coolant levels are fine and are regularly checked. Any suggestions are welcome. If in queues now, I tend to ride in neutral and use the gradient where possible.

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