Thursday, 28 June 2007

I Fell in to a Burning Ring of Fire! and I Yelped

Feel like a proper fool writing this recollection of the fire story. Essentially made the mistake of attempting to connect the portable stove to the non resealable gas cylinder inside the van. Mental checklist decided there was no flammable source nearby – forgetting the flame at the back of the fridge. How could I have forgotten the damn fridge and all the twiddling I have been doing there. Still, with these type of cylinders you expect a small leaking of gas prior to tightening. The following happened in milliseconds. Gas spraying faster than normal, me tightening superfast the cylinder to stove. Running for the door, fireball engulfing me and van, jumping out of the van and dropping the burning cylinder, trying to put out the cylinder with a wet towel, towel on fire, fire extinguished, help from neighbours. Complete shock set in as damage to van non visible, L’s feet looking red, me smelling very singed.
We managed collectively to remember the need for cold water soakage. Spent 30 minutes under an icy cold shower and then the rest of the night with my arms immersed in a basin of cold water. Managed to avoid hypothermia in the process and the heat from the burns was much lessened.
Despite all the above happenings, I feel lucky.

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