Wednesday, 31 October 2007

With every good house there comes a cowshed

As well the 4 main rooms in the house we also have a variety of outbuildings, for our currently fictitious farm yard friends. Presently we have few concrete plans for these spaces; one has become a tool room (though rather devoid of equipment at the moment owing to us being caught somewhat off guard in terms of restoration preparation); another is slowly gaining a reputation as a good place for “bits and pieces that might be useful in the future” to hang out; the big barn is full of old corn storks which are proving to be worth their weight in gold with regard to fire lighting potential; and one of the chicken houses is doing a marvellous job of pretending to be a garden shed, now that we’ve sawed a human size entrance in the side. The pig sty remains empty, but definitely has goat home written all over it. Pigs are a very popular animal to keep here, all our neighbours have a least one out the back, however as our ongoing quest to find any kind of meat that is NOT PORK for sale in this country, I currently feel a pig would be somewhat of a waste – unless of course we learnt how to butcher and could make rashers, another thing sorely missed on the supermarket shelves.

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